Roofing Projects from industrial to large residential.
Watertight is constantly undergoing roofing projects . We use membrane waterproofing on new construction sites and as a solution to remedy older arising situations. On some projects Watertight has undertaken restorative carpentry work prior to warm roof insulation as part of the job.
Warm Roof Solutions.Watertight specialises in high performance warm roofing solutions that are adaptable to different roofing situations and requirements. We have extensive experience installing warm roof solutions that are adaptable for different environmental factors. Typically using a rubber membrane mechanically fastened over the insulation.
Flat Roof Solutions.Watertight is constantly undertaking roofing work with rubber membranes and liquid membranes. We are New Zealand's first and most experienced applicator of Sika sarnafil. We also do work with Tpos etc...
View Warm Roofing case Studies
Wellington Copthorne. Click to view project
Reporoa Industrial. Click to view project